Takaya Maeda:

guide, skier

A rice farmer during the off-season, Takaya is a professional skier who has turned into a rockstar backcountry guide. 

He was born and raised in Hokkaido, and knows the terrains of this island like the back of his hand.

While he is not a man of many words, he is honest, genuine, kind-hearted, and his legs are made of steel. 

He also designs some of skis for Field Earth, a Hokkaido local company based out of Asahikawa.  

He has two daughters, and lives with his family in Asahikawa.

yuki miyazaki:

Founder, snowboarder/skier

He fell in love with the epic deep powder and the unique terrains of Hokkaido over the years of filming on the island.

Since then, it has become his passion to share the amazing experience with his friends around the world, which eventually led him to become what he is today, a powder guru. 

Full disclosure, he is not a licensed backcountry guide, and nor does he try to be.   

Snow safety is the single most important aspect of the trip, and he will be your on-site translator to make sure that communication is 100% smooth and accurate.

He is also your cultural/food master, and an occasional photographer from time to time.